Ulti Arena

BSC Contract Address: 0x42BFE4A3E023f2C90aEBFfbd9B667599Fa38514F
BSC Contract Address: 0x42BFE4A3E023f2C90aEBFfbd9B667599Fa38514F

Status: pending

Votes for listing: 14/500

Votes: 14

Network: BSC

Watchlists 0 x
Status pending
Votes for listing 14/500
All time votes 14
Ulti Arena is a blockchain-based project that aims to revolutionize NFT gaming space with their products:1. NFT Marketplace for game assets, where buyers and sellers can trade unique 2D/3D assets, music, sound, and UI/HUD elements,2. Proof-of-Gaming, a gaming client allowing players to earn ULTI tokens when playing games such as DOTA2, LOL, CSGO, PUBG, Mobile Legends, and more,3. Crypto Trading Card game, built in collaboration with Remote Control Productions and Frag Games.Because of the pandemic and extra time due to remote work from home, the gaming industry is growing at an unprecedented pace. Ulti Arena raised over $3 million USD from individual investors and VC�s (Luna Capital, Panda Capital, Lucid Blue Ventures among others). According to Duke Vu, CEO & Founder of Ulti Arena �We believe that NFT�s will change the world of gaming as we know it. Imagine every game in the future to be made on Blockchain � you can transfer any existing game items from one to another. Assets can be traceable and also unique � artists and dev

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Watchlists On 0 watchlists
Marketcap $40.77
Price (USD) $0.0000000004
Price (BNB) 0 BNB
Added on Coinlens Sep 20, 2021
Launch Sep 12, 2021

Ulti Arena

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