
ETH Contract Address: 0x8a0cdfab62ed35b836dc0633482798421c81b3ec
ETH Contract Address: 0x8a0cdfab62ed35b836dc0633482798421c81b3ec

Status: pending

Votes for listing: 52/500

Votes: 52

Network: ETH

Watchlists 0 x
Status pending
Votes for listing 52/500
All time votes 52
Spherium offers a complete suite of financial services comprising a universal wallet, token swap platform, money markets, and inter-blockchain liquidity transfer. Spherium will function as a global financial service provider, extending fundamental financial services to the unbanked.We plan to offer the following products:HyperSwap: Decentralized Asset Swap based on an automated market-making mechanism.HyperLend: Decentralized money markets where investors can lend or borrow digital assets with interest rates determined by the law of supply and demand.Spherium Wallet: Decentralized and Secure Wallet for Spherium products and Services. Spherium provides a single platform for multi-asset, cross-chain swaps, crypto financing solutions, and cross-chain operability.Spherium introduces user-friendly interfaces, sophisticated financial services to the world of DeFi. Spherium unifies the current scattered DeFi landscape by creating a suite of financial services for a global audience.

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52 Vote

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Watchlists On 0 watchlists
Marketcap $0.00
Price (USD) $0.0000000000
Price (BNB) 0 BNB
Added on Coinlens Sep 17, 2021
Launch Aug 18, 2021


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