Bezos Coin

BSC Contract Address: 0x0D472c572F4C785CC0C5a92ff7f81038Ed94Dc7D
BSC Contract Address: 0x0D472c572F4C785CC0C5a92ff7f81038Ed94Dc7D

Status: listed

Votes for listing: 500/500

Votes: 577

Network: BSC

Watchlists 4 x
Status listed
Votes for listing 500/500
All time votes 577
Bezos Coin (BZSC) aims to be a Real Elite Coin of the Binance Smart Chain with a Maximum Supply of only 10 Million Tokens, a Simple Manual Burn System and a Strategic Holders Driven Buy-Back Program. It is the Official Governance Token of the BezOS Project. BezOS Project is composed by three different high innovative product features. 1- BezOS Multi-Chain Wallet: An anonymous and Unbannable Multi-Chain Wallet with Safe-Lock and Ghost Mode Functions. 2- BezOs Protocol: A Protocol built to guarantee safe data communications and transfers From and To BezOS Multi-Chain Wallet. 3- BezOs Security Layer-2: A Second Level Layer dedicated to ensure anonymous transactions From and To BezOS Multi-Chain Wallet. Bezos Coin Use Case: To use the BezOS Multi-Chain Wallet and have fully access to the BezOS Protocol & the BezOS Security Layer-2 you have to be a Bezos Coin (BZSC) Holder.

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Bezos Coin

Bezos Coin is a Rare Gem of the Binance Smart Chain!

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577 Vote

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Watchlists On 4 watchlists
Marketcap $4,545.01
Price (USD) $0.0005078222
Price (BNB) 0 BNB
Added on Coinlens Sep 17, 2021
Launch Sep 01, 2021

Bezos Coin

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