
BSC Contract Address: 0x6679eb24f59dfe111864aec72b443d1da666b360
BSC Contract Address: 0x6679eb24f59dfe111864aec72b443d1da666b360

Status: listed

Votes for listing: 500/500

Votes: 684

Network: BSC

Watchlists 1 x
Status listed
Votes for listing 500/500
All time votes 684
Gobal and local tourism service providers.Ariva is a cryptocurrency launched by Ariva company produced for active use in global and local tourism and travel networks in the near future. Project is a worldwide B2C travel & tourism network where members can meet with global and local tourism service providers in the light of previous travelers experiences and comments, make bookings with cryptocurrencies, and earn crypto money from both their reservations and valuable content sharing. With the arrival of ARIVA, the digital payment system is about to experience a massive innovative turnaround that can change the world and make trading easier and better. ARV came into existence with the intention to make transactions hassle-free in global and local tourism networks in the near future.

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Watchlists On 1 watchlists
Marketcap $3,213,458.53
Price (USD) $0.0000343172
Price (BNB) 0.000000596156 BNB
Added on Coinlens Oct 16, 2021
Launch Jun 25, 2021


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