
BSC Contract Address: 0x099f551ea3cb85707cac6ac507cbc36c96ec64ff
BSC Contract Address: 0x099f551ea3cb85707cac6ac507cbc36c96ec64ff

Status: pending

Votes for listing: 25/500

Votes: 25

Network: BSC

Watchlists 0 x
Status pending
Votes for listing 25/500
All time votes 25
What is Safe Earn?It is unique project and a first mover on the BSC who�s primary utility is a �double reflection� feature. What this means is that by holding Safearn, you will earn 8.5% reflections in Safemoon. Your Safemoon reflections from holding Safearn will then reward you with MORE Safemoon, based on the 5% reflection rate in the Safemoon tokenomics. In essence, just by holding Safearn you are earning 13.5% reflection in Safemoon. There is also a second major feature, which we now call the Moon Shot Buy Back system. This is an enhanced buy back system and both performs frequent smaller buys when trading volume low and a massive buy back when necessary.What makes your project special? Specifically, what makes us special is the marketability of the name Safe Earn and the feature of Safemoon reflections. We are different from other reflection tokens whose smart contracts sell their own tokens in order to supply their marketing wallet and reflections. We do not have to sell our own token. We sell Safemoon to supply our marke

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Watchlists On 0 watchlists
Marketcap $124,245.18
Price (USD) $0.0000000002
Price (BNB) 0 BNB
Added on Coinlens Sep 16, 2021
Launch Sep 18, 2021


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