ETH Contract Address: 0xf82d8ec196fb0d56c6b82a8b1870f09502a49f88
ETH Contract Address: 0xf82d8ec196fb0d56c6b82a8b1870f09502a49f88

Status: listed

Votes for listing: 500/500

Votes: 1533

Network: ETH

Watchlists 0 x
Status listed
Votes for listing 500/500
All time votes 1533
Meet $KISHU, one of the biggest and most dedicated meme projects in the market, working on becoming a global brand.With a 2% redistribution on every transaction, In just 2 weeks, we reached a market cap of 2.2B, took over multiple cities, worked directly with many big and popular influencers, launched our official merchandise store, worked on bringing more utility to our coin (buying real estate, clothing, paying with Kishu on Amazon,Ebay,Walmart etc.)...A dedicated team, our iron will to succeed and our creative approach to marketing and development are the driving forces that will make this project one of the biggest and best in the game.Does that sound like the project for you? Do you have diamond paws and are ready to prove it?Get $kishu today on one of the many exchanges we are listed on, or directly through our own exchange, Kishu Swap.Vote for KISHU

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1533 Vote

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Watchlists On 0 watchlists
Marketcap $0.00
Price (USD) $0.0000000000
Price (BNB) 0 BNB
Added on Coinlens Sep 15, 2021
Launch Apr 14, 2021


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