Big Dick Mandigo

BSC Contract Address: 0x7faf20fa2fc0e7cb57dae1d5f1c4e80ff1a28727
BSC Contract Address: 0x7faf20fa2fc0e7cb57dae1d5f1c4e80ff1a28727

Status: pending

Votes for listing: 12/500

Votes: 12

Network: BSC

Watchlists 0 x
Status pending
Votes for listing 12/500
All time votes 12
BDM token is a community-owned project with no tokens reserved for the team. BDM is a bep-20 smart contract deployed on the Binance smart chain. We provide a novel deflationary tokenomics that rewards the community, while also partnering with nonprofits focused helping trafficked sex workers by using decentralized funding. With its unique tokenomics, BDM aims to be the first charity token with zero selling pressure from donations. BDM team believes in increasing long term value for its holders while also having a lasting impact on the Pleasure industry

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Watchlists On 0 watchlists
Marketcap $387.21
Price (USD) $0.0000000000
Price (BNB) 0 BNB
Added on Coinlens Sep 12, 2021
Launch Jun 16, 2021

Big Dick Mandigo

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