
BSC Contract Address: 0xb4bf64b17e270b50d00658e3c0e2fbdefabdd87b
BSC Contract Address: 0xb4bf64b17e270b50d00658e3c0e2fbdefabdd87b

Status: pending

Votes for listing: 10/500

Votes: 10

Network: BSC

Watchlists 0 x
Status pending
Votes for listing 10/500
All time votes 10
CheeseSwap is a system that offers a multitude of CRYPTO products or services to its customers, ONE-STOP Crypto Solution. The concept of a one-stop solution dates back to early 20th-century when a shopping trip could mean going all over town to pick up meat from the butchers, vegetables from the market, bread from the bakery and that was just for goodstuffs. Hardware supplies, cleaning supplies, and other household items required even more visits to even more places. Then, as now, people wanted to save time, so stores responded by stocking a wider range of products so that customers only had to come to their location to check off the majority of their shopping lists. CheeseSwap can refer to a literal roof a specific place where all the business a client has can be carried out or it can refer to a system that handles a variety of products or services. Compared to visiting a separate system for each area of need, CheeseSwap saves the consumer time, effort and money.

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Watchlists On 0 watchlists
Marketcap $44,336.44
Price (USD) $0.0000004456
Price (BNB) 0.000000054621 BNB
Added on Coinlens Sep 22, 2021
Launch Sep 29, 2021


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